Sunday, September 13, 2009

Our first night out!

Last night Joey and I went out for some drinks with his brother and a friend of theirs. Joeys mom watched Sophia for us. Before we went out I fed her her formula and rice ceral mix thinking she would sleep the whole night very soundly like normal! So by the time we got her in bed and us ready to go out it was around 10ish. We enjoyed ourselves very much! We had a couple drinks at Stone Grill, then went to PJs in Township for a drink, and then out last spot was Taylors in Williamstown. I have never been to Taylors before and it was very nice there. We ended up closing the bar around 2:30ish. When we got home we realized Sophia wasn't in her crib! She was sleeping with Grandmom Loretta! After winding down we finally went to bed. I was the awoken at 6:30 when Joey brought her into our room! She was awake and ready to eat! So I fed her and then was praying she would fall back asleep but that didn't happen! She wouldn't even let me close my eyes! I then fed her again like two hours later and finally by ten she decided to fall asleep which meant it was time for me to take a nap! The whole morning while she kept me up I was thinking to myself...thank goodness I only drank 5 beers! and thank goodnessi dont have a hang over!! although i was extremely tired it beats having a hangover! it had been my first time out and first time drinking since I had Sophia! When I saw Loretta this morning she Sophia was good except she was awoken by her every 3 hours with her making sounds! hmm I wonder if she knew her Daddy and Mommy went out! So today needless to say was a lazy day! I was trying to take a nap, but Sophia didn't like that idea!
UPDATE: her poopys sill aren't normal..well, she hasnt had one yet today since we just started giving her the rice cereal with her formula which she loves!


  1. She sleeps ALL night?! I am SOOOO jealous!!! When did that start?! Alicia Hussey

  2. Hey Alicia, So how's the little man doing? Yes, Sophia sleeps all night! I am so thankful for that! She started sleeping through the night about 2 weeks ago, but before then she would wake up once through the night.


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