Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bath time blues for me too

So i'm sure you all know Sophia doesn't do well with bath time and after today I can say either do I! I never wanted to give Sophia a bath by myself so I always had Joe halp me, well actually I would just help him. I was the head holder/towel girl! But ever since we have gave her a bath during the day and she liked it I didn't want to start giving her a bath at night again! And the reason for that is because Joe started working again and he is at work during the day and by the time he would get home and eat and shower himself it's later and she is tired/cranky. So this afternoon and giving Sophia plenty of warnings! I gave her a bath all by myself! I left the bathtub in the tub (I used the one my mom gave me since she is less likely to move around!) filled it up with nice water and put her in it! She was fine at first but then I started to see the face...Once I saw that face my face then looked just like hers! I hurried and didnt everything I needed to before she started screaming, but to my surprise she just cried a little not too loud. I then wrapped her up in her bath towel and held her till she stopped crying. which was not as long as she used to. Once I finally put her clothes on she and I layed on the bed talking back and forth. She then took a 30 min nap.
well, the next time she takes a bath I am making sure joey is around!

UPDATE: She had her third poopy! lookin good!


  1. I know with liv I felt like a neglectful parent if I didn't bathe her every third night. Now, I use their dirtiness as an indicator. At the most is twice a week, but sad to say sometimes once a week. The doctors seem to not mind bc baths dry their skin out. So don't feel bad if you just do it every sunday night..... She won't really start getting dirty until she discovers lollipops (and gets sticky hair). Lo just started eating them......;)

  2. oh really! i thought it was okay to do it like every other day. hmm that is great to know!! Thanks for that advice.


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