Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My little love bug has the "BUG"!

Well, this is the first time of I am sure many....She has the BUG that is going around! How sad is that. Yest. Sophias poopy was...not normal and she went 3 times compared to her normal 1 maybe 2 a day. So I had said to Joe last night about calling the Dr. and he said if it is happening again today then we'll make the call. Well about an hour or so ago she went again for the second time today and it was still runny. :-( So I gave her Dr. a call and before I even got to explain how she was,etc. She said "There's a bug going around!" I was like are you sure she has it because she is still eatting! So of course then I had loads of questions. She told me what to do and to call back if it gets worse or doesn't go away/get any better with-in 48 hours. She told me to watch out for fevers or vomiting. I really hope it doesn't get to that!
I feel so bad for my little Sophia, I knew her belly was hurting her. Even though she has the "BUG" she still had smiles today!


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