Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Sophia woke up around sixish this morning all ready to eat and start her day! I fed her thinking she would fall back asleep and then I would be able to make joey breakfast and see him off to work, but that wasn't the case! We have learned to be very get at multitasking, but not at 6 AM! So I put her in her chair and put Noggin on. That channel seems to really keep her attention! It did today..till 7:15!

So yest. Joey started working for a different tree service. I was a little nervous because the other one he worked for really knew how to take advantage of their workers! So far this one is a lot different! He actually got home at a reasonable time! Except by the time we finished eatting dinner and showers were taken Sophia was in her tired mood! I felt so bad because all Joey wanted to do was spend time with Sophia and she was tired whinning. Hopefully tonight will be better for all of us.

Oh yea so this morning I changed her diaper....and what did I see... A NORMAL POOPY! it wasn't a whole bunch, but it was normal so lets just keep pour fingers crossed for the reast of the day. She goes next week for her 2 month check up.. ughh ohh i just remembered again.. all those shots!

Well, she just went again alot more this time.. its a lot firmmer then it was before she got the "bug"! im sure the rice cereal has alot to do with it. i'm not going to give it anymore and wait and see how it looks after it totally leaves her system.

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