Wednesday, September 9, 2009

GOOD MORNING~Happy Hump Day!

Well, nothing new has been going on since I wrote last night~other then my good friend Danielle came over last night to see Sophia. Danielle hasn't sen Sophia since she was born at the hospital so I was really excited to hear what she thought of her! I was also excited to see her because we rarely get to see eachother due to our schedules,etc. I am so thrilled because Danielle is 4 months preg. ~due in Feb! She won't find out what she is having for another two weeks~doesn't matter to me what she is having i'm just excited Sophia already has a best friend for life and she doesn't even know it yet! It was a great visit laughed alot, filled eachother in with the gossip, you know typical "girl talk"! Sophia was pretty good for the most part~that damn "BUG"! I am glad I now have an excuse for her whinning, but I just hope it doesn't last long... After Danielle left I got Sophia ready for bed and then "Swaddled" her~the best thing ever invented! She passes out in a matter of seconds! I heard her wake up this morning,but had no idea what time it was because it was still dark. So I let her lay there untill she started getting really antsie and then I picked her up and she looked like she had been awake for hours~ she was wide awake! So then I went to get her bottle and see what time it was 5:15 AM!! An hour early So once I fed/changed her laid in bed staring at eachother b/c we both were now wide awake i decided to come on the comp do some "STALKING"! and I look down and she is passed out/head back/mouth open/legs limp ~I was wishing that was me too. So now she is all snuggled in bed and I am still "STALKING" and it's now 8:30 AM... HMM what to do now..I already finished the laundry from yest. washed dishes/bottles and got out everything to make homemade waffles for when Joe wakes up...
I'm already looking forward to my nap!!

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