Yes, I have to admit. I had a feeling this was going to happen... I have become one of those mothers/people!! The kind that tend to talk about their kids way to much! So last night I started training. I am so glad it is right around the corner literally! Since the weather was
gorgeous out Joe and Sophia walked me to work! It actually made it
a lot easier for me to leave the house knowing that I still had some time with her. Even though she was more interested in the trees and sounds then walking mommy to work! So once we got there I said my goodbyes and be goods and I walked in, excited and a bit sadden. I wasn't even in the door 5 min and I was already
texting asking what Sophia was doing!! So after waiting for the manager I sat down with a another lady who was training and we started filling out those tax papers and it clicked...oh wait don't I need to fill this out differently now!! I had no idea what I was doing. I always had a hard time filling it out when it was just me and now I have to add something new!! So that was now the first of many times that night where I brought up Sophia! Then came questions like, oh how old is your baby? Is it a boy or girl?
What's her name, etc? And then with a big smile I respond to all the questions and then of course like that mother I have become I pull out her picture. (well, I didn't really have to pull it out I have her picture in a
keychain attached to my bag~I figured it would make me feel better being able to see her picture when I am away from her! It worked!) Anyways so yea, I show the picture and that wasn't the only time she was shown! or even talked about! So as the night went on I learned that the other trainee does not have children and that I was probably annoying the hell out of her. I also learned whom else had children too! And the only reason I learned that was because...I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO TALKS ABOUT THEIR KIDS!! Thank goodness! Once
someone starts talking about them someone chimes in and then it just goes on from there! Well, on another note...I had a great first night, I learned
alot other then what you think! There only open for dinner so it looks like Joe now has the lucky job of putting Sophia to bed!! And that leaves me the lucky one to wake up with her! Well, I work the next 3 nights so
i'll keep you updated on how it's all going!
So today is Sophia Two month birthday!!! She is
wide awake still. Normally when I feed her int he morning she takes her nap soon after. Well not this morning she woke up at 7:30 and she is now sitting in her chair staring at me moving around like a wild child making noises and smiling at me!