Thursday, December 3, 2009

4 month check up!

So today was sophias 4 month check up! she did wonderful. she weighs 13.10 pounds 50% and is just about 26 inches long 90%! she does have a little rash down there that the dr gave me a script for. we started feeding her cereal last weekend and the rice cereal is giving her soft poopies so we might have to try oatmeal instead but then she told us try start on veggies!! ALREADY i said! i dont wont to start yet! she is getting big to fast! aww my little girl is growing up! she got her shots and cried and was cranky when i got home but i then took her on a walk since its so nice out and now she is in a good mood! i fed her some cereal and the rest of her bottle she is slowy eatting but now she is laying on my lap staring at the comp!
in jan we have to go back to the dr to get the flu shot for h1n1and then feb shell get another round of vaccs and i think thats when i'll get her ears peirced! she has now found her thumb anbd likes it in her mouth! she loves holding her toes too!

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