Friday, November 27, 2009

loves to talk!

Sophia just loves to talk....just like her mom! She is laying here on the floor and moving her arms and legs around like crazy! talking,laughing, and making these high pitched noises! i look down at her and she has this smile on her face...she is soo happy right now! whenever i talk to her she is quiet and then when i stop she begins to talk again it's like she is responding to my remarks! too cute! before we came upstairs to go on the comp i was feeding her reading a baby mag and she was so into all the pictures. when she finished eating i cont reading the mag to her and she just flayed there listening. she is constantly rolling over to her belly. she has been doing it for some time now but it seems like she is doing it all the time and its so much faster! she used to get frustrated when she turned over to her belly but now she is happy~accomplished

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