Monday, November 16, 2009

finally sunshine

So it's another day that will be filled with sunshine, fresh air, and birds chirping. Not house lights, stuffy vent air, and cartoon songs playing the the background! Yest I had to work..of course it was finally the nicest day in weeks and I had to be stuffed indoors. But at least Sophia got to enjoy the great day. And that is what she will be doing today and so will I! Although I have work at 6 tonight we have a full day planned. I wanted to get started a little bit earlier! but yet again we are getting off to a late start, but we are all dressed and ready. Sophia Joe and I are taking Sophia on the train to Philly! I can not wait! Were going to take advantage of this wonderful day. I wish I had the camera so I could take a picture of Sophia she is wearing her new little tights that are pink with dark pink and purple stripes on the bottom part of herlegs and her little jean overall dress with a long sleeve white onsie. oh yea and her little pink converse looking shoes! too cute! Alrighty well I think I hear her calling for me! she must of woken up from her cat nap!

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