It has only been forty five min since Sophia has left and I feel my heart aching. I miss her. Earlier in the week Diana asked me if I wanted to take a day trip down the shore with the kids and as much as I wanted to I knew I couldn't take off of work especially with Sophias birthday a couple days away. I was bummed, but I knew this wasn't going to be the only day. So last night while talking to diana on the phone she had asked if she could take Sophia for the day so that I could just relax and then go to work and not have to worry about a babysitter. I had to think about it for a min so about ten min later I gave her the okay! Ater hanging up the phone with her I got really excited and then...sad! Sophia woke up early today I think she was excited to be hanging out with dom all day! After doing our normal morning routine I asked her to pick some toys out and put them in her little ducky bag that she was going to bring with her. It was so cute watching her do exactly what I had asked. We then got a whole bunch of food and snacks together and got dressed and picked out some "just incase" clothes. Diana had called and said she was planning on leaving an hour earlier now. They arrived about 9:30 the kids were excited to finally see eachother since both of us kept telling them about today! After going through the what I packed in the bag and what to dos if... it was time for them to leave. I gave my kisses and my I loves and watched them pull away with tears in my eyes. I came into the house and cleaned up her toys and called diana to find out what she was doing! Dianas response: DRINKING from her cup! I was happy! glad to hear she wasn't crying! I then again went through her bottle/nap routine, I had to stop myself because I would of kept rambling on and on! Diana knows what to do; we'll all be fine!
Lately Sophia has been venturing out! My uncle rich has watched her a couple of times do our work schedules and my friend kathy and bella from work took her out for a couple hours because I thought I had work, but come to find out I didn't so instead of them dropping her off back at home she stayed out with them. From the sounds of it she really enjoyed her self. So everytime I have been away from her has only been for a couple of hours. Today will be the longest time apart and that is why my heart aches. Okay so let me stop moping and fill you in with some news. Sophia has been taking a few steps here and a few steps there nothing more then 6 untill wednesday night/thursday morning! Since my parents house she has been walking soo much more now although she still crawls most of the time she will walk over to her toys or to me or whomever. it is amazing watching her she concentrates so much on walking it is too cute. I can not believe she will be one on sunday. WOW! she is still eating everything and anything. always wanting to try new things! the doctor said this should be her last month on formula we go to her one year visit next thursday.
well, i guess i will go check my facebook/comcast emails out and then ....relax?!?! I feel like I should be doing something productive, but I am kinda!
Friday, July 23, 2010
walmart,target,mc donalds 7/09/10

I always looked at those carts that they have and could never imagine myself pushing them huge things around, but it wasn't really that bad. Okay yes it was they are "HUGE" Diana and I aren't the best pushers especially when we had to turn! it really does take two people to move that thing around, but the kids loved it. At both stores if anybody needed to find us it was never a prob because they left cheerio trails! At first they were eatting them and then they liked to drop it and watch it fall to the ground.
Sophia @ Doms home! 7/09/10
That day Diana and I took Sophia and Dom out shopping! (those pictures will be on the next post) Diana invited Sophia to join Dom to a birthday party later on that night so we went shopping for a gift. After shopping I had to go to work so Di just kept Sophia for the rest of the day till after the party was done. When they left they went back to "Doms home" ( thats what I tell Sophia) That was one of the first times I left sophia. When I saw them pull away well no I am lying it was actually when they were dropping me off is when the tears started! I was nervous but it wasn't a bad nervous I was just nervous that since Sophia had been sleeping when I was dropped off that when she would wake up I would not be there. :-( Thank goodness for dom. Diana said he really cheered her up and showed her all of his toys,his big bear, and even how to open his drawers! After playing there for a bit they went over to my aunt and uncles and played, ate and took a long nap, and then it was party time! Diana said at first they both were silent but then they warmed up and had a really good time. I actually got home from work before Sophia got dropped off from the party which was after 9pm! 

Friday, June 25, 2010
so big so fast
today is sophias 11 month birthday i can not believe she will be one next month! the time flew by so fast!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
So much to do so little time!

From the time we get up in the morning I am on the go! of course it really all depends on if I have work or not that day. So that is why I have not updated in fooorevveeerrr! Sophia has been growing up sooo fast! She now has four teeth!three on the bottom and one on the top. I see another tooth on the top ready to pop out! Her bottom teeth didn't bother her as much as the top did/do! we actually had to give her baby tylenol! other then her teeth lets see she is the best crawler around town! she can beat out any kid in a crawling race! she walks around the sofa like its her job and is starting to stand like a pro! Her diapers are a big help with the padding when she looses her balance! eatting well thats not a prob! she eats anything and everything! honestly anything! she loves going on her million walks a day and feeding all the duckies and their babies! she makes loud sounds when she sees the doggies walking down the street! I am always comparing them to tori! now that the weather has been sooo hot she tends to only wear her bathing suit! she loves to splash around in the pool. climbing in and out in and out! oh yea and she LOVES crawling on the concrete! i know!! you would think it would hurt but she moves pretty darn fast on it!
Last month was johnny and jennas wedding! it was soo much fun , but the only sad part was that joe had to stay home and watch sophia:-( we didn't have a babysitter... wish he could have been there. the wedding was so pretty! i talked about it for days especially about the cookies and milk and allll those yummy cheese burgers from mc donalds at the end of the recep waititng for all of our drunk butts to leave! Grandmom had the best idea by renting us a limo for the ride up there and back! it was so loud going there but no coming back! well kinda!
last wednesday di and i went up to corinnes to with dom and soph to play with char and liv! it was soooo much fun! i can not wait to play again! i thought it was going to take awhile to get there but it wasn't that bad got stuck in a little traffic but the kids were good in the back seat! liv pushed soph around in her little doll stroller! remindng us that she was her mom and that she was born july 3 and she was 2 but then five min latter she told us she was now 3! dom was such a little boy too cute watching the girls play. he got a boo boo on his eye because they beat him up! nah he missed the step. :-( he got soph back by shutting her inbetween the doors but then soph did it right back to him! Corinnes made us these awesome drinks from the] blender made out of srawberries,cucmber, banana,spinach and kale! it was really good i was shocked i actually couldn't get the straw out of sophia mouth she loved it! I could just go on and on about our day i can not wait to do it again. liv asked if we could come over everyday! i told her we would come back soon and she said okay how about next week!
well, i better get going sophia is taking her morning nap and i want to get somethings done before she wakes up. i have off today so our day is full!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
there was one but now there is two!
Sophia had her first tooth pop out friday night and then had her second tooth pop out sunday! She has been really good during the whole process. cranky but not tooo cranky. Especially not like how some people explain teething to me! Thank goodness, but there is still a whole mouth more to come! Other then that she is growing up so much she is crawling around like she is in the olympics and standing on her two feet like nothing! She is a very daring baby! She loves trying new food. She really like broccoli, clam chowder soup both red and white! She loves sharing her toast with me in the morning! Oh yea and she loves when i cut up a bananainto little peices and let her feed her self.
Today joe and I were finshing painting th laundry room and I opened the door to see what she was up to in her walker and she was drinking her juice out of her sippy cup! That was the first time I ever saw her do it for real! I saw her try and do it before but never accoplish getting anything out. It was amazing watching her hold it with both hands and actually drink!
So Easter is coming and we are so siked to giver her;her easter basket. She wll actually be using the eater basket i used growing up.
Today joe and I were finshing painting th laundry room and I opened the door to see what she was up to in her walker and she was drinking her juice out of her sippy cup! That was the first time I ever saw her do it for real! I saw her try and do it before but never accoplish getting anything out. It was amazing watching her hold it with both hands and actually drink!
So Easter is coming and we are so siked to giver her;her easter basket. She wll actually be using the eater basket i used growing up.
Ramble Ramble...
I have been meaning to write on the blog now for a couple weeks and after Johnny and Jennas Bridal Shower I was pushed to write more and more often! Here all along I thought I was the only stalker when it came to blogs and facebook pages, but I was wrong! Least now I am not alone when it comes to stalking!!
Last saturday was the shower and I was able to get off of work. It started at eleven so we had to leave around 10ish. Sophie, I, my mom, and my grandmom drove down. I knew there wasn't going to be a prob with Soph because she loves car rides. Sher normally takes hermorning nap anywhere from 9:30-10:30. So around 10:10 she past right out! Grandmom couldn't believe how fast she fell alseep..."I never saw a baby fall alseep that fast!" Once we got down there she then woke up. It was very nice out even though it was chilly and windy, but the sun was out and it was not raining! We made our way in side and once we settled in Jennas arrived. Perfect timing even though it wasn't a surprise least we made it there before her! Aunt Debbie and Diana picked a table back in the corner so that we could have our mess out of the way from everyone else. Good idea because there was ALOT of mess...DOM! While walking around getting things to drink and eat we had to walk by Lori aka Aunt Lori and everytime she would stop us and say somethingto Sophia. Each time Sophie would just give her a blank stare. There were alot of people there so Soph had to get situated. We all got our food and sat back down I held Sophia in my lap while I tried to eat then I noticed a little hand going into my plate! She grabbed a hang full of coleslaw and shoved it into her mouth! It was so cute watching her eat it. She went back for seconds! I then started giving her other things to try. She liked everything just like all of us.Once Jenna started opening up her gifts diana and I moved our seats more into the corner so that we could have soph and dom play together. Jenna gave them wrapping paper which was a great idea because they loved it. Dom was crawling under the table and of course sophia had to follow. After the opening of the gifts we all got up and started chatting with one another. Sophia and I walked by lori again but this time while we were chatting Sophia grabbed on to her arm and wanted her to hold her. it was adorable watching her do that! Lori... I know your ready this! You are sooo funny! I am still laughing over what you were saying! And yes, I will try to write more and more often! The shower was coming to an end and we said our good byes and then we drove over to Bennys to see how everything was. I walked out on the peir with Sophia she couldn't stop staring at the water. Our drive home was good sophia took her afternoon nap and I took mine as well! I had such a nice shower and what made it even nicer was being down the shore.
Last saturday was the shower and I was able to get off of work. It started at eleven so we had to leave around 10ish. Sophie, I, my mom, and my grandmom drove down. I knew there wasn't going to be a prob with Soph because she loves car rides. Sher normally takes hermorning nap anywhere from 9:30-10:30. So around 10:10 she past right out! Grandmom couldn't believe how fast she fell alseep..."I never saw a baby fall alseep that fast!" Once we got down there she then woke up. It was very nice out even though it was chilly and windy, but the sun was out and it was not raining! We made our way in side and once we settled in Jennas arrived. Perfect timing even though it wasn't a surprise least we made it there before her! Aunt Debbie and Diana picked a table back in the corner so that we could have our mess out of the way from everyone else. Good idea because there was ALOT of mess...DOM! While walking around getting things to drink and eat we had to walk by Lori aka Aunt Lori and everytime she would stop us and say somethingto Sophia. Each time Sophie would just give her a blank stare. There were alot of people there so Soph had to get situated. We all got our food and sat back down I held Sophia in my lap while I tried to eat then I noticed a little hand going into my plate! She grabbed a hang full of coleslaw and shoved it into her mouth! It was so cute watching her eat it. She went back for seconds! I then started giving her other things to try. She liked everything just like all of us.Once Jenna started opening up her gifts diana and I moved our seats more into the corner so that we could have soph and dom play together. Jenna gave them wrapping paper which was a great idea because they loved it. Dom was crawling under the table and of course sophia had to follow. After the opening of the gifts we all got up and started chatting with one another. Sophia and I walked by lori again but this time while we were chatting Sophia grabbed on to her arm and wanted her to hold her. it was adorable watching her do that! Lori... I know your ready this! You are sooo funny! I am still laughing over what you were saying! And yes, I will try to write more and more often! The shower was coming to an end and we said our good byes and then we drove over to Bennys to see how everything was. I walked out on the peir with Sophia she couldn't stop staring at the water. Our drive home was good sophia took her afternoon nap and I took mine as well! I had such a nice shower and what made it even nicer was being down the shore.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
I get it all to myself!
now that Sophia is getting older were trying different foods with her ya know human food lol not babyfood! she loves the whole fruit strawberry frozen bars and evertime either joe or i are eatting one she sits there and tugs at our clothes and opens her mouthand shuts it over and over again making a mmmmm sound. well, she just went down for nap and the bright idea popped in my head... yes, i can have a frozen fruit bar all to myself! now that im sitting here enjoying it i wish she was here with me sharing it!
there are many other things she enjoys like pizza crust (sucking on it!) french fries,pickles,sherbert,water icem and are you ready for this one.....clam juice! last night at my parents we were in the kitchen slurping down some great clams on a half shell and i had Sophia sitting on the counter and she was staring at us so i gave her a clam shell and in the mouth it went! she loved it so then i put some clam juice in the shell and she didnt even make a face! like my mom always says "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!" ain't that the truth! my parents always told me of when my brother and i were growing up around Sophias age thats how they started us to like seafood, especially clams! They used to have to wait for us to go to bed so that they could have the clams to themselves much like me and the frozen bars now with sophia! well, let me go see what else i can enjoy before the crawler gets up!
there are many other things she enjoys like pizza crust (sucking on it!) french fries,pickles,sherbert,water icem and are you ready for this one.....clam juice! last night at my parents we were in the kitchen slurping down some great clams on a half shell and i had Sophia sitting on the counter and she was staring at us so i gave her a clam shell and in the mouth it went! she loved it so then i put some clam juice in the shell and she didnt even make a face! like my mom always says "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!" ain't that the truth! my parents always told me of when my brother and i were growing up around Sophias age thats how they started us to like seafood, especially clams! They used to have to wait for us to go to bed so that they could have the clams to themselves much like me and the frozen bars now with sophia! well, let me go see what else i can enjoy before the crawler gets up!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
watch out here comes sophia!
Sophia started crawling tonight!!! I am soo happy! especially since I was there to see it! I knew it was going to be happening soon, but unsure when! We were over my parents tonight and she has been sticking her little booty up in the air on her tippy toes not going anywhere. and then it just happened!! i was in shock! it started with one leg then another she would go a short distance and then stop and lay down on her tummy but now that we are home she is going across the room! i can not wait for tomorrow! watch out here comes sophia!
Friday, February 26, 2010
This is my Fav. Picture
Sophia is now 7 months!

Like they said ..time flys when your having fun! That is the truth! I can not believe Sophia turned 7 months yest! And today she took her first bath in the tub! She was starting to really out grow her baby tub. My mom baught her a bath seat that is a ring she sits inside so that she won't be able to fall over. She loved it! She has a real bubble bath and her two little duckys and her mr. crabbie joined her along with two little plastic rings. She looked adorable sitting in the tub.
So as for crawling..nothing yet still crawls backwards, but now she sticks her little booty straight up in the air while on her toes! She now flys around the kitchen in walker especially when the cat walks by! she has even made in on the carpet with her walker! Sophia is a eater! She loves her food. I can actually say there is nothing she doesn't food that is! We have totally cut down on her formula BIG time! She is sleeping through the night for the most past. in bed by 8-8:30 and up at 8ish sometimes alittle bit earlier but no 4-5 am anymore! although I just lied Last week she woke up at 4am and was wide awake for no apparent reason i fed her and then sat her on the sofa with me while we watched the morning news and I did let her know it was not play time! After sitting with me I out her in her swing and then came the time moans and soon after she past out! Why didnt I try that sooner! We have been trying new things with her and letting her taste different things that were eatting. Now that we started that whenever were eatting she stares at us and opens her mouth and makes these mmm sounds its cute kinda! she loves the whole fruit strawberry frozen bars. I used to love them too before i had to share all the time! she made a funny face when i gave her mashed potatos. We are waititng for a tooth to come in, but nothing yet! she is showing all the signs for one.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
time flys
I know I know, I have not been on here in what almost a month! As Sophia grows up I find it's harder to find the time to get on the comp. I really need to get a lap top so that I can bring it with me down stairs or in our room as she is playing, etc! I think it would be easier! Anyways so let me think... So much has changed since I last wrote. Sophia will be 6 months on monday! wow and they did say time flys! and it sure does... Her sleeping has gotten better through the night must be a "stage" thing! But she still does not like to sleep during the day. she is too afraid she is going to miss out on something... really sophia what are you going to miss out on... cleaning dishes, our room, or all of your toys scattered around?!?! You know I wouldn't do anything FUN! without you! Especially taking a walk, shopping, making the bed, or putting the clothes away! I know how much you love all of that! specially making the bed! I do this thing with her EVERY morning after we watch our daily shows and eat of oatmeal and fruit we go up stairs and I lay her against the pillows and I then make the bed~forgetting she is under the covers! nah, she thinks I forgot her but... thats the whole game! I lay my head on her body likes she is part of the pillow and she kicks her legs and laughs really loud! its just too cute! She is now eatting oatmeal we tried that out last week and she enjoyed it more then the rice! and she is enjoying all of her fruits and veggies, well all except for applesauce and string beans! she loves pears and prunes and sweet pot, heck she loves food! yest she ate so much! i felt like thats all i did was feed her! aww she is a growing little girl! She is now sitting up on her own! well, we have to place her on her little butt but she stays and hardly falls down. just a alittle wolbly! she is a very daring little girl. afraid of nothing! we have a cat and that is her best friend! she gets soo excited when gyspy walks in the room. she sits in her little walker and stares at gypsy. so cute when she is all smiles and talking to her. Gyspsy has really long white hair and Sophia tends to grip it sometimes, but gyspy doesn't seem to mind! She still enjoys her walks... her long walks! it could be freezing cold of and she is on cloud nine! people must think I am crazy bringing her out in this weather, but heck it makes her happy! it's not like i bring her out in a bathing suit! If she were not happy she would let us know! and that I know is true! Joey started feeling a hard little bump~tooth on the right side of her mouth bottom part and last night I felt it too! omg! already! she is still putting anything and everything in her mouth something we notice her with all eight fingers! she loves stickers! she will hold one in her hand for hours!
well, all in all she is growing up so nicely! everyday and every night we thank god for what he has given us we couldn't be happier parents!
well, all in all she is growing up so nicely! everyday and every night we thank god for what he has given us we couldn't be happier parents!
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