Thursday, March 4, 2010

I get it all to myself!

now that Sophia is getting older were trying different foods with her ya know human food lol not babyfood! she loves the whole fruit strawberry frozen bars and evertime either joe or i are eatting one she sits there and tugs at our clothes and opens her mouthand shuts it over and over again making a mmmmm sound. well, she just went down for nap and the bright idea popped in my head... yes, i can have a frozen fruit bar all to myself! now that im sitting here enjoying it i wish she was here with me sharing it!
there are many other things she enjoys like pizza crust (sucking on it!) french fries,pickles,sherbert,water icem and are you ready for this one.....clam juice! last night at my parents we were in the kitchen slurping down some great clams on a half shell and i had Sophia sitting on the counter and she was staring at us so i gave her a clam shell and in the mouth it went! she loved it so then i put some clam juice in the shell and she didnt even make a face! like my mom always says "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!" ain't that the truth! my parents always told me of when my brother and i were growing up around Sophias age thats how they started us to like seafood, especially clams! They used to have to wait for us to go to bed so that they could have the clams to themselves much like me and the frozen bars now with sophia! well, let me go see what else i can enjoy before the crawler gets up!

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