Monday, October 5, 2009

Finding the time!

Everyday seems like the hours in a day are getting shorter and shorter! Now that I started working again I have less time to get things done or do things like blogging/facebook! Heck, I haven't even looked at my emails in years! I was just talking to Di about this this morning...i'm not the only one! I've become a great multi-tasker, but I can't seem to multi-task the internet into my daily tasks! okay so I just had to get that out!

Sophia is doing wonderful! She is still smiling...alot! She is even laughing..well, she has before, but now the laughs are from her belly! too cute! Last night when I came from work I was playing with her on the bed and talking silly with her and she was cracking up! She is such a happy thankful for that! well, Sophia is sitting on my lap and i'm starting to get uncomfortable so its time for me to get off.

my goal for tomorrow is to check my emails and finally pick out her costume! i promise mom!

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