Friday, June 25, 2010
so big so fast
today is sophias 11 month birthday i can not believe she will be one next month! the time flew by so fast!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
So much to do so little time!

From the time we get up in the morning I am on the go! of course it really all depends on if I have work or not that day. So that is why I have not updated in fooorevveeerrr! Sophia has been growing up sooo fast! She now has four teeth!three on the bottom and one on the top. I see another tooth on the top ready to pop out! Her bottom teeth didn't bother her as much as the top did/do! we actually had to give her baby tylenol! other then her teeth lets see she is the best crawler around town! she can beat out any kid in a crawling race! she walks around the sofa like its her job and is starting to stand like a pro! Her diapers are a big help with the padding when she looses her balance! eatting well thats not a prob! she eats anything and everything! honestly anything! she loves going on her million walks a day and feeding all the duckies and their babies! she makes loud sounds when she sees the doggies walking down the street! I am always comparing them to tori! now that the weather has been sooo hot she tends to only wear her bathing suit! she loves to splash around in the pool. climbing in and out in and out! oh yea and she LOVES crawling on the concrete! i know!! you would think it would hurt but she moves pretty darn fast on it!
Last month was johnny and jennas wedding! it was soo much fun , but the only sad part was that joe had to stay home and watch sophia:-( we didn't have a babysitter... wish he could have been there. the wedding was so pretty! i talked about it for days especially about the cookies and milk and allll those yummy cheese burgers from mc donalds at the end of the recep waititng for all of our drunk butts to leave! Grandmom had the best idea by renting us a limo for the ride up there and back! it was so loud going there but no coming back! well kinda!
last wednesday di and i went up to corinnes to with dom and soph to play with char and liv! it was soooo much fun! i can not wait to play again! i thought it was going to take awhile to get there but it wasn't that bad got stuck in a little traffic but the kids were good in the back seat! liv pushed soph around in her little doll stroller! remindng us that she was her mom and that she was born july 3 and she was 2 but then five min latter she told us she was now 3! dom was such a little boy too cute watching the girls play. he got a boo boo on his eye because they beat him up! nah he missed the step. :-( he got soph back by shutting her inbetween the doors but then soph did it right back to him! Corinnes made us these awesome drinks from the] blender made out of srawberries,cucmber, banana,spinach and kale! it was really good i was shocked i actually couldn't get the straw out of sophia mouth she loved it! I could just go on and on about our day i can not wait to do it again. liv asked if we could come over everyday! i told her we would come back soon and she said okay how about next week!
well, i better get going sophia is taking her morning nap and i want to get somethings done before she wakes up. i have off today so our day is full!
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