Sophia was looking up at my dad when this pucture was taken. My mom made me a 8 by 10 and put it in a frame. I just hung it up last night and I cant stop staring at it! Everytime Sophia sees it she smiles!
Like they said ..time flys when your having fun! That is the truth! I can not believe Sophia turned 7 months yest! And today she took her first bath in the tub! She was starting to really out grow her baby tub. My mom baught her a bath seat that is a ring she sits inside so that she won't be able to fall over. She loved it! She has a real bubble bath and her two little duckys and her mr. crabbie joined her along with two little plastic rings. She looked adorable sitting in the tub.
So as for crawling..nothing yet still crawls backwards, but now she sticks her little booty straight up in the air while on her toes! She now flys around the kitchen in walker especially when the cat walks by! she has even made in on the carpet with her walker! Sophia is a eater! She loves her food. I can actually say there is nothing she doesn't food that is! We have totally cut down on her formula BIG time! She is sleeping through the night for the most past. in bed by 8-8:30 and up at 8ish sometimes alittle bit earlier but no 4-5 am anymore! although I just lied Last week she woke up at 4am and was wide awake for no apparent reason i fed her and then sat her on the sofa with me while we watched the morning news and I did let her know it was not play time! After sitting with me I out her in her swing and then came the time moans and soon after she past out! Why didnt I try that sooner! We have been trying new things with her and letting her taste different things that were eatting. Now that we started that whenever were eatting she stares at us and opens her mouth and makes these mmm sounds its cute kinda! she loves the whole fruit strawberry frozen bars. I used to love them too before i had to share all the time! she made a funny face when i gave her mashed potatos. We are waititng for a tooth to come in, but nothing yet! she is showing all the signs for one.