Friday, November 27, 2009
loves to talk!
Sophia just loves to talk....just like her mom! She is laying here on the floor and moving her arms and legs around like crazy! talking,laughing, and making these high pitched noises! i look down at her and she has this smile on her face...she is soo happy right now! whenever i talk to her she is quiet and then when i stop she begins to talk again it's like she is responding to my remarks! too cute! before we came upstairs to go on the comp i was feeding her reading a baby mag and she was so into all the pictures. when she finished eating i cont reading the mag to her and she just flayed there listening. she is constantly rolling over to her belly. she has been doing it for some time now but it seems like she is doing it all the time and its so much faster! she used to get frustrated when she turned over to her belly but now she is happy~accomplished
Thursday, November 26, 2009
What am I thankful for?

Sophia is what I am really thankful for she has changed our life in so many ways. Without Sophia in our life I can honestly say I do not know where we would be right now. She is my life~our life. She is the best thing that could of ever happened in our lives. I love you Sophia.
(And no she is not eatting the turkey! Just licking it!)
I would like to say happy Thanksgiving to everyone and I hope you all enjoyed your day.
And Thank You to everyone who has helped us get through this rough year.
I Love you all
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
hmm so what's new?
nothing is really new! umm Sophia has a slight dry cough, but everything else is fine eatting and going to the bathroom is fine no fever. so i called the doctor today and they asked me all these questions and told me to try acouple things this weekend. and if it isnt gone then we'll come in sometime next week. she has her four month check up on the1 of dec so we'll see if we have to go in sooner. but other then that she is great!
Monday, November 16, 2009
finally sunshine
So it's another day that will be filled with sunshine, fresh air, and birds chirping. Not house lights, stuffy vent air, and cartoon songs playing the the background! Yest I had to work..of course it was finally the nicest day in weeks and I had to be stuffed indoors. But at least Sophia got to enjoy the great day. And that is what she will be doing today and so will I! Although I have work at 6 tonight we have a full day planned. I wanted to get started a little bit earlier! but yet again we are getting off to a late start, but we are all dressed and ready. Sophia Joe and I are taking Sophia on the train to Philly! I can not wait! Were going to take advantage of this wonderful day. I wish I had the camera so I could take a picture of Sophia she is wearing her new little tights that are pink with dark pink and purple stripes on the bottom part of herlegs and her little jean overall dress with a long sleeve white onsie. oh yea and her little pink converse looking shoes! too cute! Alrighty well I think I hear her calling for me! she must of woken up from her cat nap!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Stir Crazy!
We hate these cold wet gloomy days! Sophia has become so antsy since we haven't been able to go outside I can not wait till it's nice out so we can go for our walks!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
too big for ones!
Well, this is's the last couple of ones diapers and the last couple we will be using! She is just getting too big for them! Time to move on to the two's! awww my little munchkin is getting pudgy! It's too cute whenver she finishes eating her tummy hangs over her diaper!
Hmm so what is new? Sophia has been talking to the extreme! The pitch in her voice is so loud at time! We are constantly laughing! Sometimes she stops and gives us a look and then goes back to talking! Yest we had her out the entire day she was great no prob at all.
Right now she went with joey to the drs because I have work at 6. the house is so silent I just dont know what to do with my time! well, I do know what I can do, but I feel like being lazy and enjoy the silence while I can before I gotta get ready for work.
Hmm so what is new? Sophia has been talking to the extreme! The pitch in her voice is so loud at time! We are constantly laughing! Sometimes she stops and gives us a look and then goes back to talking! Yest we had her out the entire day she was great no prob at all.
Right now she went with joey to the drs because I have work at 6. the house is so silent I just dont know what to do with my time! well, I do know what I can do, but I feel like being lazy and enjoy the silence while I can before I gotta get ready for work.
tummy time

Recently we have been watching Sophia try and turn on her tummy. She would have no prob. it's just her arm gets in the way! Once I see her trying to move I then help her and remind her of her arm! I know she can do it without a prob because whenever she is sleeping she ends up on her tummy! It's just when I watch her she has the prob! Once we place her on her tummy we then move her arms and she will lay there for some time expecially if the tv is on and she has full view of it!
Friday, November 6, 2009
she is the neighborhood gypsy

so despite the chilly windy air she wanted to go out for a walk! so i dressed her and got her all strapped it! we went window shopping~ the shoe department has so many cute little shoes that she can fit into! yes, we tried them all on! and she didnt even complain! so after an hour and a half walk i decided to come home....i was beat! here are before and after pictures!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Is every baby this happy?
As I lay in bed tonight I recap my day as I am sure most of you do. I replay the day from begining to end. From the moment I open my eyes in the morning to see her bright eyes and the smile on her face to the moment Sophia closes her eyes at the end of the day. There has not been a day that when Sophia wakes up she is not smiling, even if she wakes up at 3 am hungry! Here is an idea on how our day is started and to how our day ends. Sophia normally goes to bed between 7 and 730 pm and then sleeps through the night ocasionally waking up due to hunger! She wakes up around 6ish eats and either does right back to sleep or decideds to stay up and watch some tv. After she eats I place her in bed with me because Joe is either getting ready for work or leaving for work at that time. So we watch some toons and then both pass out till around 9/9:30ish sometimes if I am lucky 10! I am then awaken by the little sounds she makes...I don't move or open my eyes I just lay there and my heart melts while listening to her I then peek slighty to see her face staring at mine. Once I open my eyes my heart that was melting to her sounds is totally melted by the smile on her face. We then talk to eachother and recently her talks have been the best converstaions I have ever had with someone. The pitch in her voice show the excitment the love she holds in side of her. I then get her bottle and she gobbles it down. After she finishes we stare at the tv some more and then go back to our conversation. We laugh/giggle/stare/smile some more. This goes on for like an 30min sometimes longer like an hour! At this point I either get her ready for a bath or get her wiped down and then we pick out her outfit for the day. As I look through her clothes int hee closet and drawers I hold them up and show them to her. She likes that! No really!! I then put her in her crib to have some "air" time "play" time with her hanging friends! This time allows me to clean up the room some,etc and her time to air the bottom out from that diaper that she was in all night and for her to talk and laugh with her friends! I then dress her. we always stand in front of the mirror and look at what she is wearing. sometimes I need to change it because it just doesn't look right!! She's even let me know! Once were down we step outside and check the weather out, I normally have an understanding on how it will be by the forcast, but it also lets her know! Our mornings are slow! Sometimes a mid afternoon nap is wanted other times watching cartoons is better. She has started making these sounds like the I am bored I want to go for a walk/outside sounds. I then put her little jacket on alog with her shoes and strap her in and then we got out. I used to be able to just go around the block, but she wants more! She loves the outdoors she loves seeing people! Thank goodness the Dollar tree is right down the street! She has become a regular! The other day we went and she even held her on to her bottle cleaner we needed! it was too cute she wouldn't let it go! She used to fall alseep during her walks,but not anymore! Once we finally get back home she eats and then takes ...sometimes takes a nap. Recently she has been staying up the entire day from the time she wakes up in the morning till bed time only taking cat naps afraid she will miss something! I know I know She needs a schedule. Well she has a bed time schedule..which I am very thankfull for especially it being so early! During the day we play alot either with her little friends or we stand infront of the mirror dancing and singing and making funny faces. My new song I sing to her is....he knows if you been bad or good so you better be good for goodness sake! She just cracks up!! Once the night grows she grows sleepy! When I have to work at six Joe is home by then and its his turn they have their on routine!! but if I have off then its either she is swaddled and then put in her crib or she falls asleep on the sofa and I bring her up when we go up. Every day is mostly the same but now that I think about it its different in many ways!! Ha that reminds me of "same difference!" no really every day she is so happy talking laughing but everyday is different whether it be a new tone in her "baby voice"or a larger smile. Whenever I can get on the comp I try and read other people blogs,etc and see how other peoples babies are. I must say not only am I very Thankful I am extremly thankful for this happy baby I have the happy baby that wakes me up every morning with a smile on her face along with mine. And when I go to bed at night I look down at her in her crib and as I am smiling staring at her I see a grin it's like she can feel my presense that I am standing over her. So in the end we both fall alseep smiling and wake up smiling. I am so happy I have such a happy little girl.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
morning time pictures

Sophia is still the same cute as a button as she has been! nothing really new except for her starting to teeth! last week was I guess you can say was the begining. Although she has been showing signs before then. She has been drooling like crazy going through soo many bibs and sticking her fists in her mouth. along with whinning. last week she had acouple crying/screaming fits so I tried one of those frozen rings and she loved it. it helped. There was one day last week umm wednesday i think it was well she went to bed at 7:05 and woke up around ten to eat and then fell right back to bed and then i had to take her out of her crib at 3:00 in the afternoon!I layed her on my bed for her to wake up and she didnt get up till 3:30! she ate 6 ounces and then another 4! she wasn't smiling like she normally does! i knew something was wrong. thenin her fists went and she was whinning all over again and then she fell back alseep shortly after. before i went to work i gave her some tylenol and then talked to joe later that night and he said she went through her fit again and was only up for two hours the whole night. when icame home from work around 12 she was up and seemed to be better but shortly after i was home she started whinning and drooling,etc again. the next couple of days later were better still some whines her and there and of course fists in mouth and drooling like crazy.
these pictures were taken this morning. hopefully my mom will send me the pictures from halloween soon so i can post them on here.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
trick or treat
I cant wait to post some pictures hopefully today i will! had such a wonderful day yest! in the early afternoon Sophia dn I went to my parents and spen a couple hours there showing her off and then I came home so joey, sophia and I could do our rounds in the neighborhood before I had to go to work. Sophia was soo good and soo adorable! I cant wait for next year when she will be able to walk around! All the candy she received was yummy!
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